Air Traffic Managment – Safety Management System (SMS-ATM)

A certified course of ENAC

Purpose of the course:

To provide Air Traffic Management personnel with safety management system knowledge tailored explicitly for air traffic management-related to enable them to optimize their ATM work performance and promote aviation safety, according to International and National regulations.


  • To provide Air Traffic Management personnel with safety management system knowledge tailored explicitly for air traffic management-related to enable them to optimize their ATM work performance and promote aviation safety, according to International and National regulations.

Target Population:

  • Air traffic controller, ATM-Regulators, Air Navigation Services-related personnel, and Safety Officer.

Duration: 5 days

Delivery Mode: Virtual Classroom

Training Area: Air Navigation Services (ANS)

Lecturers: ENAC experts

Language of Instruction: English

Location / Platform: MS Team

Tuition Fee: 35,500 THB (approximately 1,060 USD)

Schedule of Delivery: 8-12 August 2022 Time: 0500-1100 UTC (1200-1800 Bangkok time)

Register: Please visit